<건강> 한국인이 자주 마시며 즐기는 커피는 우리 장 건강에 좋다는 비결(아메리카노)! / The identity of microorganisms living in the intestines of Koreans who drink a lot of coffee(only Americano)

2022.02.14 19:45:32


Koreans consume 353 cups of coffee per year. They drink one cup of coffee a day, which is about three times the world average consumption. Recently, a study result that is good news for Koreans who love coffee was published.  Dr. Tim Spector's team at King's College, UK, published a study showing that coffee consumption reduces the number of harmful microbes in the gut & promotes the growth of beneficial microbes.
A British team of researchers studying the effects of coffee on digestion found that the more coffee you drink, the more balanced the microbiome of your gut microbiome. Microbiome is a compound word of microbe & biome, and refers to the intestinal microbial ecosystem. In general, it is possible to maintain intestinal health by increasing resistance to external factors such as antibiotics & stress when the intestinal microflora is diverse. If the balance of good & bad microbes in the gut is disrupted, diversity is destroyed, increasing the risk of inflammation and disease.


Thank you for reading and waching folks




Reported by


Alexander Utt./초빙외신기자


김홍이 Alexander Utt. 기자 yonsei40@naver.com
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인터뷰뉴스티비/ 등록번호:서울 아 52051/등록일 2019.01.10 대표:김학민 / 편집국장 및 대기자 :김홍이/ 명예회장: 정태섭 / 발행인: 이경희 편집인: 김학민 / 외신기자: Alexander U. 전화번호:02-357-6114 / 서울특별시 은평구 66길 10 - 16 Copyright InterviewTV All rights reserved.