<외신=Inews USA> President Joe Biden of the U.S. has also said he will stop withdrawing US troops from around the world

2021.02.05 23:38:09

미국의 조 바이든 대통령이 전 세계 미군의 철수도 중단하겠다고 밝혔다. 또한 트럼프 전 미국 대통령의 미군 철수정책을 되돌리겠다고 말했습니다.

미국의 조 바이든 대통령이 전 세계 미군의 철수도 중단하겠다고 언급했다. 도날드 트럼프 전 정부의 조치를 바로 되돌리겠다고 밝혔습니다.


President Joe Biden of the United States has also said he will stop withdrawing US troops from around the world.


US President Joe Biden has said he will reconsider the deployment of US troops around the world & stop the withdrawal of US troops from Germany. He's going to reverse the Trump administration's actions. There is a growing likelihood that the reduction of US forces in Korea will be a thing of the past.


President Biden sought out the State Department, which oversees diplomacy among government ministries.
US President Joe Biden 'America is back'.  Diplomacy has again been at the center of foreign policy.
He also said, The alliance is America's greatest asset.
US President Joe Biden I spoke with the leaders of my closest friends. Canada, Mexico, UK, France, NATO, Japan, Korea, Australia, etc.
President Biden said he would reconsider the posture of US forces around the world.
In the meantime, the reduction of US troops in Germany will cease.
It is interpreted as a measure to restore the alliance's trust.
Earlier, the Trump administration announced that Germany would not pay, and would reduce the number of US troops in Germany by a third or 12,000.
The possibility of reducing US forces in Korea, which was discussed in connection with the negotiations for the defense cost share, has increased.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs today held the first defense budget negotiations with the Biden government through a burn.
The two sides decided to schedule the next meeting soon, and settle it as soon as possible.
President Biden did not address the North Korean issue this time. The White House has said that a review of North Korea policy is still underway.



Reported by

Alexander U. : Assistant Journalist

Hong-e Kim : Journalist/PD

Hak-min Kim : Journalist

Alexander U. 김홍이 김학민 기자 yonsei40@naver.com
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인터뷰뉴스티비/ 등록번호:서울 아 52051/등록일 2019.01.10 대표:김학민 / 편집국장 및 대기자 :김홍이/ 명예회장: 정태섭 / 발행인: 이경희 편집인: 김학민 / 외신기자: Alexander U. 전화번호:02-357-6114 / 서울특별시 은평구 66길 10 - 16 Copyright InterviewTV All rights reserved.