<외신=Inews USA> Pres. Moon Jae-in & First Lady Kim Jung-sook were vaccinated against COVID-19 with the AstraZeneca vaccine this morning.

2021.03.23 13:19:40

<President Moon Jae-in of Republic of Korean>


President Moon Jae-in & First Lady Kim Jung-sook were vaccinated against COVID-19 with the AstraZeneca vaccine at the Jongno-gu public health center in Seoul at 9 am today.


This is for attendance at the G7 meeting scheduled for June, and was implemented in accordance with the Vaccination Procedure for Essential Departure, which has been in effect since March 17th.

Therefore, President Moon Jae-in has internationally reaffirmed the safety and effectiveness of the AstraZeneca vaccine.
Most European countries have also resumed vaccination, and the Korean Disease Agency has also expanded the targets of vaccination to 65 years of age or older.
As a result, my wife and I will also get the AstraZeneca vaccine tomorrow to attend the G7 summit in June.
The attendants of the summit and those who have been confirmed will be vaccinated together tomorrow, and other personnel will be vaccinated as soon as the performance is decided.
We ask that the public also do not have any doubts about the safety of the vaccine and respond to the vaccination in the order of vaccination.
Vaccination is also a way to protect the safety of our society as a whole with collective immunity while protecting our own safety.We urge the public to pay special attention so that fake news that arouses vaccination anxiety cannot be caught at all.




Reported by

Alexander U. : Photo Journalist

Hong-e Kim : Journalist/PD

Alexander U. Honge Kim 기자 yonsei40@naver.com
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인터뷰뉴스티비/ 등록번호:서울 아 52051/등록일 2019.01.10 대표:김학민 / 편집국장 및 대기자 :김홍이/ 명예회장: 정태섭 / 발행인: 이경희 편집인: 김학민 / 외신기자: Alexander U. 전화번호:02-357-6114 / 서울특별시 은평구 66길 10 - 16 Copyright InterviewTV All rights reserved.