Couldn't the prosecution arrest the former commander of the military investigation agency Cho Hyun-cheon, who fled to the US!

2021.02.13 00:03:48


As the core of the military investigation agency's martial law document, he has been accused by the Military Human Rights Center for violating a preliminary civil war & a preliminary rebellion.The likelihood of diving in the US has increased.They are being arranged to find out where they live in the United States.
For the first year, the prosecution has not been able to capture former military commander Cho Hyun-cheon. In the meantime, the Korean Ministry of Defense has been depositing 4.5 million won in Korean money each month into the bank account of former commander Cho Hyun-cheon, and plans to provide such pensions this month & next month. In the military pension, a huge tax is being provided every year to fund former Commander Cho Hyeon-cheon's overseas escape. 
A foreign journalist says the US Department of Defense will block pensions only for breaking the law and fleeing. Is the Korean government tolerant of this law-breaking soldier?




Reported by

Alexander U. : Assistant Journalist

Hak-min Kim : Journalist

Hong-e Kim : Journalist_PD

Honge Kim Alexander U. Hak-min Kim 기자
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인터뷰뉴스티비/ 등록번호:서울 아 52051/등록일 2019.01.10 대표:김학민 / 편집국장 및 대기자 :김홍이/ 명예회장: 정태섭 / 발행인: 이경희 편집인: 김학민 / 외신기자: Alexander U. 전화번호:02-357-6114 / 서울특별시 은평구 66길 10 - 16 Copyright InterviewTV All rights reserved.