외신Inews USA

<외신=Breaking News> Pres. Biden's 2100 trillion won support plan including COVID-19, which was in tension with the U.S. Senate, opened the way through a vote by V.P. Harris

미 상원 찬반 팽팽한 가운데 조 바이든 대통령의 COVID-19 등 2100조원 부양안, 해리스 부통령의 한표로 통과 되었다.


<미국 조 바이든 대통령>

미 상원 찬반 조 바이든 대통령의 COVID-19 등 2100조원 부양안, 해리스 부통령의 한표로 통과 되었다.

따라서 조 바이든 미 대통령이 COVID-19로 인한 경기 침체 극복을 위해 마련한 1조9000억달러 규모의 경기및 COVID-19 등 부양안을 과반 찬성만으로 통과시킬 수 있는 결의안이 5일 미국 상원을 통과했다.
미 상원은 이날 전체 상원회의를 열어 찬성 51표 반대 50표로 경기 부양안을 과반 찬성으로 통과시킬 수 있게 하는 결의안을 통과시켰다고 밝혔습니다.


This English Breaking News article is for domestic & foreigners


President Joe Biden's 2100 trillion won support plan including COVID-19, which was in tension with the U.S. Senate, opened the way through a vote by Vice President Harris On the 5th, the US Senate passed a resolution that would allow US Pres. Joe Biden to pass a $1.9 trillion about 2,100 trillion won economic stimulus bill prepared to overcome the economic recession caused by the coronavirus. 

<카말라 해리스 부통령>

The U.S. reported that the Senate held a plenary meeting that day & passed a resolution allowing the stimulus bill to be passed with only a majority vote with 51 votes in favor & 50 votes against. By passing the resolution, it was possible to pass the economic stimulus bill with a majority of the Senate's 60 votes, which are normally necessary to process the bill.

<미국 조 바이든 대통령과 카말라 해리스 부통령이 하원의회로 들어서고있다>

It has laid the groundwork for passing through without the support of the Republican Party. In the vote of the resolution on that day, a tie rate of 50 to 50 came out according to the topography of the Senate, where the Democratic Party & the Republican Party each occupy 50 seats. All Republican lawmakers voted no. As a result, V.P. Kamala Harris, who also serves as the ex officio Senate Chairman, was voted 51-50 for the first time since he took office. In the US Senate, if there is a tie, the V.P. will have a casting boat.




Reported by

Alexander U.: Assistant Journalist

Hak-min Kim : Journalist

Hong-e Kim : Journalist/PD


김민웅 교수의 촛불행동 논평, 국회는 윤석열 탄핵... 국민은 매국노 퇴진-타도 운동 밝혀!
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