I (President Joe Biden) was honored to welcome President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea last week at the White House. The alliance between our nations was forged on the battlefield over 70 years ago. Last week, we recommitted ourselves to this ironclad alliance.
<President Moon Jae-in & President Joe Biden hold a summit meeting with their aides at the White House>
바이든 대통령은 5. 29일, 지난주 백악관에서 한국 문재인 대통령을 맞이하게 돼 영광이었으며 한미 동맹은 70년 전 전쟁터에서 함께 형성됐다고 말하고 지난주 우리는 미국과 한국은 철통같은 동맹을 재확인했다고 덧붙였다.
"문재인 대통령과 조 바이든 대통령의 SNS를 공유·리트윗하며 '서로 감사합니다' 라고 소통했다."
바이든 대통령은 전날 SNS에 한미정상회담을 계기로 문재인 대통령과 함께 한 워싱턴 백악관 일정을 소개하는 영상과 메시지를 남겼습니다.
따라서 문재인 대통령과 바이든 대통령이 백악관에서 처음 악수하는 장면부터 질 바이든 영부인과 첫인사하는 장면 그리고 한국전쟁에 참여한 예비역 대령에게 명예훈장 수여식 그리고 오찬을 겸한 백악관 야외테라스에서 단독 회담, 수행했던 외교안보 참모들과 함께 한 회담과 확대회담 또한 공동기자회견 등 함께 한 문재인 대통령 일정의 뒷모습을 영상으로 보여줬다.
This English Breaking News article is for domestic & foreigners
They shared & retweeted the SNS of President Moon Jae-in and President Joe Biden and communicated with each other, saying 'thank you to each other'.
<President Moon Jae-in and President Joe Biden paid tribute to the Korean War veterans & the two presidents with a grateful heart>
President Biden left a video & message on social media the day before introducing the Washington White House schedule with President Moon Jae-in on the occasion of the Korea-US summit.
Therefore, from the scene where President Moon Jae-in & President Biden shake hands for the first time at the White House, the scene where they greet first lady Jill Biden for the first time, the ceremony for conferring the Medal of Honor to a retired colonel who participated in the Korean War, and a private meeting on the outdoor terrace of the White House that also served as a luncheon, the foreign & security adviser The behind-the-scenes footage of President Moon Jae-in's schedule, including meetings with other leaders, extended talks, and joint press conferences, was shown.
Thank you very much for reading & waching
Reported by
Alexander Utt. : Photo Journalist
Hong-e Kim : Journalist/SIT
Seol-Cho : Journalist