<문재인 대통령 과 김정숙 여사 G7참석 위해 영국 콘월 뉴키 공항에 도착 영국 왕실·해군 의장대 20명을 사열하고있다> 문재인 대통령은 어제 오후 서울공항을 출발해 약 12시간의 비행을 마치고 오늘 새벽(한국시간) 영국 콘월 뉴키 국제공항에 도착했습니다. 이번 G7 정상회의 개최지인 영국 콘월은 '영국의 손톱 끝'이라는 별명을 가진 영국 남서부 항구도시입니다. 문재인 대통령은 공항에 나온 박은하 주 영국대사의 소개로 영국측 환영인사 마이클 존 홀로웨이 외교부 장관 특별대표, 제인 하틀리 콘월 부주지사, 마틴 앨버리 지방의회 의원 등과 차례로 팔꿈치 인사를 했습니다. 문재인 대통령과 김정숙 여사는 영국 왕실·해군 의장대 20명을 사열하고 공항을 떠났습니다. 이번 G7정상회의에는 한국 외에 각 권역을 대표해 호주, 인도, 남아프리카공화국이 초청되었습니다. <문재인 대통령과 김정숙 여사가 서울공항에서 출국 인사하고있다 > Reported by 조설/국회출입기자 김학민/사진기자 김홍이/외신뉴스전문기자
<President Biden gives an economics speech at the University of Cleveland, Ohio> <President Biden stops by an ice cream parlor & has a casual conversation with a citizen> President Joe Biden made a casual appearance at an ice cream parlor on the 27th. President Biden left the event after speaking on the topic of economics at a univ. in Cleveland, Ohio that day. Biden's vehicle was supposed to go to the airport, but he suddenly entered a residential area. It was an unplanned schedule. The place where President Biden got off was an ice cream parlor. President Biden ate ice cream
I (President Joe Biden) was honored to welcome President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea last week at the White House. The alliance between our nations was forged on the battlefield over 70 years ago. Last week, we recommitted ourselves to this ironclad alliance. <President Moon Jae-in & President Joe Biden hold a summit meeting with their aides at the White House> 바이든 대통령은 5. 29일, 지난주 백악관에서 한국 문재인 대통령을 맞이하게 돼 영광이었으며 한미 동맹은 70년 전 전쟁터에서 함께 형성됐다고 말하고 지난주 우리는 미국과 한국은 철통같은 동맹을 재확인했다고 덧붙였다. "문재인 대통령과 조 바이든 대통령의 SNS를 공유·리트윗하며 '서로 감사합니다' 라고 소통했다." 바이든 대통령은 전날 SNS에 한미정상회담을 계기로 문재인 대통령과
<President Joe Biden & President Moon Jae-in hold a single meeting > The Blue House announced on the 24th that the'vaccine swap' agreement was not reached at the Korea-US summit, It seems that it was not easy to provide vaccines to Korea, leaving low-income countries with severe coronavirus conditions. A senior Blue House(Cheong Wa Dae)official said, Korea is very good at responding to the coronavirus, has a high income level, and is evaluated as a country that has secured a vaccine supply. The official said, The U.S. said that there are too many countries requesting vaccine support,
<South Korean President Moon Jae-in & US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are entering the meeting room> President Moon Jae-in of Republic of Korea, who is on an official visit to the United States, met with House leaders including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi & held a meeting at the Washington Capitol on the afternoon of the 20th. Chairman Pelosi said, It is a great pleasure to have President Moon this way. Expressed the joy of meeting President Moon again. In particular, House Speaker Pelosi pulled out the New Year's greeting card sent by President Moon Jae-in this year, and said, I ke
<Posing Professional Seo Sook-yang> This English Breaking News article is for domestic & foreigners 서숙양 작가'의 인사동 마루아트센터, 행복과 희망의 메시지 가득한 작품으로 “스타작가 5인전“ 진행 中 Maru Art Center in Insa-dong of 'Artist Seo Sook-yang' is in the process of Five Star Writers Exhibition with a work full of messages of happiness & hope, so we sincerely welcome! 대한민국 미술전시 중심지 인사동에 위치한 마루아트센터는 그랜드관을 개관하면서 규모를 확장하고, "스타작가 5인전"을 시작으로 시민들의 문화예술 향유 기회 제공과 작가들의 전시활동에 활용될 수 있도록 새롭게 조성했습니다. Maru Art Center, located in Insa-dong, the center of Republic of Korean art exhibition, Expand the scale & provide opport
Suncheon Mayor Hur-Seok, Republic of Korea, opened three fingers, consoling & delivering scholarships to Myanmar students studying abroad in Suncheon City, who had been cut off from their families in the Myanmar military coup. The Suncheon City Human Resources Development Association (Chairman Hur-Seok) delivered scholarships to Myanmar internat'l students studying in Suncheon on the12th, and comforted those who were disconnected from their homeland families in the recent Myanmar military coup. On this day, a scholarship of 1 million was awarded to 22 international students in Myanmar at S